Focused, unbiased investment advice
Founded in 1986, IIM is a privately owned, independent, registered investment advisory firm located in Beverly, Massachusetts. We provide personalized investment management services for a diverse group of clients including individuals, family trusts, foundations, endowments, profit sharing and pension plans.
Focused, Unbiased
At IIM, we focus our efforts on providing sound and unbiased financial advice to our clients. As an independent and client-centric company, IIM always places its clients’ interests first. We construct portfolios of individual stocks and bonds designed to meet each client’s unique needs.
Local, Independent
Our office is located in Beverly, MA. We serve clients across the country and around the world.
Client focused.
Goal-setting | Planning | Managing | Monitoring
Our investment approach:
Meet the team
Eric H. Jostrom
Chairman and Chief Investment Officer
Alexander M. Colby, CFA
President and Chief Executive Officer
A. Cushing Titcomb
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Janell Phillips, CFA
Executive Vice President, Managing Director
Patricia A. Bowlin
Senior Vice President, Managing Director
David MacDougall, CFA
Senior Vice President, Managing Director
James R. McCall, CFA
Senior Vice President, Managing Director
Molly A. Morin
Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
Karen Mullen Dunton
Assistant Vice President
Ann T. Connors-Cook
Senior Client Service Specialist, Notary Public